Voucher code sites are big business for a generation of savvy Internet users that want to know the cheapest price for almost any product they desire. We understand just how competitive this market is and how many aggressive marketing and SEO strategies are in constant activity.
With all this being said, we were confident we could help increase the bottom line for a UK-based voucher code and discount code website.
“Tom was brought on board at the start of 2014 to assist in our blogger outreach programme and off-site SEO. From day one Tom took the time to understand our business model, the industry that we operate in and our objectives of the project.
Using his expertise in content marketing for SEO, Tom worked closely with us to develop a content strategy for the following months. This included a variety of aspects, including content themes, distribution tools and relationship building with key editorial contributors within the sector.
By utilising different channels such as Twitter and YouTube, Tom helped us to engage with key bloggers across the UK that were aligned with our core brand principals. Tom delivered this work both on time and on budget, often going above and beyond to provide further recommendations to ensure company-wide targets were met”. Chris Perrett – iLikeOffers.co.uk
Onsite SEO Strategy
iLikeOffers were very open to onsite SEO ideas and respected that small changes can indeed have a huge impact on the visibility of your site in search engines. I began tracking the website in Moz so I could monitor both the health of the website and the rankings for groups of keywords relevant to the company’s offerings. Chris understood that rankings were not the be all and end all of online success and realised that organic and social traffic plus conversions were a more clear indicator.
I carried out various bursts of keyword research and competitor analysis to identify how the leading competitors are implementing onsite SEO. Combined with this I studied the data surrounding the searches carried out and how the language in this marketplace is changing over the years.
I was able to actively increase the visibility of landing pages that would likely yield the greatest return for my client. This entailed pinpointing the winning tactics of the top rank competitors for keyword groups such as ‘John Lewis Discount Codes’, ‘ John Lewis Voucher Codes’ and replicating where appropriate, but always focusing on raising the bar for the visitors and reaping the reward as a result.
At this stage, search engine optimisation is far more complex than stuffing keywords onto a page. Search engines are aware of the usability of your pages and the value of the content itself. Great content and well-thought out pages are the key to setting the perfect foundation for organic search visibility.
Offsite Strategy
iLikeOffers received one of the more sophisticated offsite SEO strategies. Chris was very aware of the importance of the links pointing to his website and the reputation of his brand online. I devised various mini strategies aimed at engaging UK mums to collaborate to create articles targeted at helping parents on a budget. We were keen to stimulate a social buzz around the brand and so the ‘Parent Life Hacks’ series of content was born. I incentivised social sharing without offering payment or a prize, and instead empowered UK blogging mums to become thought leaders in a subject close to their heart.
Later on I developed a similar strategy, this time focusing on the fashion bloggers using YouTube as the primary medium of exposure. By first targeting fashion video bloggers with a respectable following I was able to develop relationships over Twitter and leverage their audience who would be interested in the various fashion deals iLikeOffers had available.
This project was a great learning experience for both myself and the client, arming iLikeOffers with some indispensable strategies, which are now being applied across the company’s portfolio of websites (even in other countries).