SEO for Electricians & Electrical Services
In September 2014 the owner of Bailey Pollock Electrical Services in Brighton began working with us. The company owner’s goals were simple – he wanted an increase in organic traffic that would result in lots of new customers looking for an electrician in Sussex. He only wanted to spend 2 days worth of my time initially, so he could see if I have the ability to show any signs of movement with such a small amount of time. I was confident I could show value with just 2 days initially, and so we began. The initial results have been positive and will likely continue to grow as the weeks pass.
Activities Carried Out During the Initial Campaign
– Brief SEO Competitor Analysis
– SEO Keyword Research
– Onsite SEO Changes
– Consulting on changes the website developer needs to make
Brief SEO Competitor Analysis
With such little time available my goal was to get an understanding of the winning tactics of leading UK electricians. I began to see how they achieve top ranking pages in Google and benefit from a stream of new customers each and every day.
SEO Keyword Research
I researched the language customers are using to find the service they need, as well as the ways the webmasters/SEOs behind leading electrical service company sites fulfil those search queries.
Onsite SEO Changes
I produced a spreadsheet of all of the SEO changes I will be making and then I went about updating the website with this new data. I used my findings in the competitor analysis and keyword research stage to shape my updates. I reduced all the fundamental onsite SEO issues shown below and then reported directly to the client on the actions I have taken.
SEO Errors Before
SEO Warnings Before
Initial Results – 2 Weeks after my onsite changes and waiting on developer to action other recommendations
I checked on keyword rankings before the work was carried out, so we could compare rankings and see if Mark (company owner) wanted to invest more money in order for me to do link building. Even without enough bedding in time and the developers having not implemented the requests, the ranking jumps are noticeable!
If you are interested in learning more about our approach to SEO, then check out the main SEO page. If you are an electrician looking to boost your traffic with SEO then go ahead and let us know.